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10 Reasons Being an Adult is Awesome

Photo Credit / Harlowe James

When I was a kid I dreamed of being an adult. Adult life seemed glamorous and cool and full of really fulfilling responsibilities.

I was mostly wrong, but you know what? I was kind of right too…read on for validation that becoming an adult was the right decision.

Going to the grocery store.  This straight up never gets old.  There’s a rush when you walk through the automatic doors knowing you can buy almost anything (that falls within your adult budget) and no one can tell you not to.  Freaky little star fruit?  Family sized bag of potato chips for your mouth only?  An over-priced packet of matcha to kick start your new influencer insta account?  The possibilities are endless because you’re a grown up, and grown ups buy food- for themselves by themselves.

Getting a yearly physical.  You know what’s awesome?  Showing up for your physical health.  A blood draw doesn’t scare me- not knowing my LDL and HDL cholesterol levels does.  And that breast exam?  It doesn’t need to be awkward.  You deserve that thoughtful and thorough chest massage- it’s science.

Having a 6 month emergency fund.  Who needs to spend money on fun gadgets, Target shopping sprees and spontaneous travel when you can rest easy watching Netflix in the comfort of your own home, knowing you have a bundle of cash ready to cover your bills hanging out in a high yield savings account earning you $12 interest per year.

Owning pillow protectors.  Pillow cases only? That’s for amateurs.  You are leveling up and sealing that bag of feathers with not one but two layers of protection.  The drool leaking out of your mouthguard protected night hole doesn’t stand a chance against this responsible fabric barricade.

Framing photos of your children.  Gone are the days of college posters and road signs you stole while hammered decorating your walls.  Now you can show off how well you can color coordinate your human dolls in MULTIPLE rooms of your home.

Displaying coffee table books.  Yeah sure, they take up precious horizontal real estate, but how else are you going to signal to guests that you are an interesting and unique human being who likes west coast skateboard art, big cat photography and obscure architectural movements?

Taking vitamins.  Getting all the nutrients you need from food is lame when you can spend a large percentage of your discretionary income at Whole Foods and bring home hundreds of capsules that will CHANGE YOUR LIFE.  This also allows you to spread your herbal wisdom to everyone you know so as to assert your liberal hippie dominance. 

Sheet washing day.  You know what’s comforting?  Knowing that every week has a designated day where you are guaranteed to slip between freshly laundered sheets with tight ass hospital corners.  Grab your latest self-help read, reflect in your journal or just turn out the lights at 9:30 and bask in your domestic glory. 

Making repairs.  Is there anything more empowering than tightening loose cabinet screws, caulking a leaky window or adding a low flow aerator to an old faucet?  Is there anything more annoying than your significant other shrugging off your greatness when you show them your life changing improvements?

Wisdom.  Knowing you can find just as much joy, humor and fulfillment in the ordinary as you can in the extraordinary. 

What’s your favorite part of being an adult?

With love,
