More + Merrier Life

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Oh hi!

“Get it wrong and you’re doomed to fail.” 

That is the advice I read in regards to writing your first blog post. 

I was so encouraged by that fun fact, that I considered saying “fuck it!” and just heading down a Netflix hole while munching on an edible.  That last part still sounds appealing (brb), but let’s see how I do, shall we?

I got divorced this year (yeah – it’s gonna be like that), in the middle of a global pandemic.  It was rough in all the ways you can imagine, especially with two young kids involved.  Four months prior to us separating, I landed my first job back from stay-at-home Mommyhood after five years out of the workforce.  Prior to spending my days planning play dates and becoming the reason for my kids’ future therapy sessions, I was a designer (residential interiors, restaurant and product) by day and a home remodeling/party hosting/recipe testing hobbyist by nights and weekends. 

With all the confidence of a 4th grader running for class secretary, I figured I would make this divorce count and tackle as many clichés as possible, including, but not limited to, getting a tattoo, enjoying a rebound relationship, doubling down on the therapy and hiring a life coach.  That last one lead to the creation of this blog, through many guided visualizations and the life altering realization that I am an Enneagram two (hi fellow twos!)

When I took the time to think about all the things that bring me joy: home design, entertaining, cooking, my kids…anything domestic or people related really, it brought me to one obvious conclusion – Lifestyle Blogger.  I know what you’re thinking, “Steph – this is exactly what the world needs!  What an original idea and thank goodness you’re an early adopter and not jumping into a saturated market.  You’ll monetize the shit out of this in no time!” 

You’re sweet, and thanks so much for your support, but let’s say for the sake of argument that I’ve got some competitors out there.  How will this blog be different?  What’s in it for you? 

Well, you’ll get some good inspiring stuff – home design tips, entertaining in a pandemic and beyond, recipes that will impress, kid activities to keep you motivated to continue parenting and general life reflections.  This stuff is all out there, and it’s really impressive, but I want this specific blog to be your permission slip to aspire and to be a mess.  It’s your call whether you’d like to do those things separately or simultaneously, but I’ve become a big fan of this brew lately.  I’m getting comfortable with a life that is so adult (I host dinner parties!  I contribute to my kids’ college fund!) but also a little messy (It wasn’t just one tattoo.  I ate fried mac + cheese balls from TJ’s last night for dinner.) 

So, if you like being inspired, but not shamed, you’re my kinda people.  You’re a little messy, and I like that about you.  How about we make a deal?  I’ll deliver inspiring/pretty/vulnerable/slightly irreverent content, and you can read it and validate (please love me!) my decision to enter this space.  I want to see this blog grow into a community that values leaving things better than you found them, whether that be a rental house, a family recipe or your kids after remote learning for a year, and celebrates all the unique ways we navigate through life. 

Thanks so much for stopping by, but I need to run.  That edible is kicking in, and I could really use some Netflix right now.

Love, Steph

P.S. - If this blog could also lead to becoming friends with Ina Garten or a throw blanket sponsorship, that would be excellent.