More + Merrier Life

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See You in the New Year!

Photo by Jamie Street on Unsplash

I will be taking the week off to spend time with my kiddos over their winter break, do some behind the scenes work on the blog and refocus my commitment to a few things I’ve let slide in the self-care department. 

I am so excited to bring you fresh content in January with topics that I hope will inspire you.

Be on the lookout for…

My interview with Jenna Starkey, fulfillment coach.  We’ll dig into what a fulfillment coach is, how you can benefit from hiring one and my personal experience working with Jenna.  Spoiler alert- she’s a life changer!

Going Vegan as a family.  I get the scoop from my best friend who went vegan as a family years ago, hook you up with some seriously satisfying family recipes and give you a list of resources to make the transition simple and painless.  Whether you’re considering a full-on vegan lifestyle or just want to incorporate more plant-based eating in your weekly lineup, this post will cover all the bases.

Kicking the meds.  In this post, I explore my decision to quit taking medication to treat my anxiety and depression two years ago, and why I’m in the best mental space I’ve ever been today. 

If you need some good reads to get you through to the New Year…

How I Quit Drinking + Became a Better Mom

Which Charities Should I Donate to During COVID?

Gift Guide 2020 – The Homebody (Take matters into your own hands post-holiday)

Telling My Kids About Divorce + How We Survived the First Year

Holiday Vegan Eggnog

Let’s stay connected!

Catch me on the ‘gram @moreandmerrierlife

With love,
