Why a Routine is Necessary - (yes, even for you)
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I have a checkered history with routines.
I can be firing on all routinized cylinders for a month and then it goes by the wayside…super frustrating! Integrating a routine in my life that is effective, beneficial and simple has been a priority for me this year as I transition from married life with two kids everyday to single life with two kids 50% of the time. I haven’t always nailed it, especially not in the first few chaotic months post-separation, but I’ve got some good things going on that I’d love to share with you in hopes of inspiring your own routine…or just validating all the great choices you’re making already.
Before we get into the routines that I follow, let’s be real that (in addition to many other things) I’m still chasing the illusive regular bedtime . Online shopping for items like a bookshelf for my kids (maybe this one?) and desk top planters (will this one keep my baby alive?) is occupying a lot of evening real estate these days…oh, and spinning out over the election and reading up on whether flying is safe is also a fun way to stay up until silly hours of the night. So please, if you have advice in that area, please drop it in the comments section.
But let’s get scientific for a minute. Routines are good for you…like really good.
Here are some reasons why.
Lowered stress - less anxiety, improved mental health and more time for relaxation
Better sleep - I’m clearly missing the memo on the effective routine for this one, but typically, it’s helpful. You’re well rested; leading to mental sharpness, increased energy and overall emotional well-being.
Better health - got yourself a routine? You’re going to eat better and be more likely to stick to a workout plan…because “plan” is right there in the name.
Sets a good example for others - a major objective in parenting for me is raising kids who will be reasonably productive, responsible and all around well-adjusted adults. A routine can help, and I’m modeling to them how to make it happen. I also find I’m inspired by others’ routines to get my own in the best shape possible.
Not rocking a solid routine yet?
Here are some downsides to a lack of routine, if you like the tough love approach.
Higher stress - when I’m not in a good routine, I’m in a cycle of never having enough time to finish anything, so I’m in a consistent state of stress. Not ideal.
Poor sleep - stress doesn’t just keep you freaking out during the day, it comes at you hard at night. Routine = lower stress = better sleep
Poor eating - no routine? Guess what you’re reaching for- fast food, processed crap or whatever gets in your gullet with minimal struggle. I got out of my routine the past few days, and I ended up eating potato chips and a handful of peanuts for lunch one day. My condolences to every hard-working system in my body.
Procrastination/poor time management - If you’re a procrastinator (raises hand while slinking in seat) and never feel like you’re getting done what needs to get done, take a look at your routine. You may be taking on too much, but you may also just be dicking around because you don’t have a routine…yet.
My routine is still a work very much in progress, as I just started my blog this month, and I am getting a feel for what works and what doesn’t, but here are a few things I’m sticking to (for the most part) and why.
Mornings. The more I can knock out in the morning the better. There’s less chance of getting distracted/tired/sucked into a Netflix hole.
Here’s what I knock out first thing.
- Give hugs, make breakfast, make lunches, listen to ridiculous stories (when I have my kids)
- Workout for 15-20 minutes on the treadmill (it’s not much, but I’m consistent with it, and that’s my biggest health goal right now)
- Chug two glasses of water, my ginger-lemon elixir (recipe below), pop vitamins (D, B12/Niacin, Cod Liver Oil, Iron), and sip a fruit/veggie smoothie
- Meditation/journaling (at night if I have the kids, in the morning if I don’t)
- Shower, get everyone ready for school/work, school drop off
- Run a final proofread/edit if I’m posting on the blog that day
- Work my 9-5 (this blog isn’t paying the bills…yet…spread the word!) using a modified pomodoro technique ,which for me is 30-45 minutes of focused work, then 5-10 minutes to walk around/pop in a load of laundry/stretch/rest my screen glare saturated eyes
- Schedule a blog post for 11am Mon/Wed/Fri (subscribe to my feed, so you don’t miss a post!)
- Nighttime skincare routine like a real adult
o Earth Science Clarifying Facial Wash
o Neutralyze Exfoliating Pads for forehead breakouts (a previous non-affliction that began in 2020 – f**k you 2020)
o Tata Harper Restorative Eye Cream
o Drunk Elephant A-Passioni Retinol Cream (hey 40…I’ll see you soon!)
o Tata Harper Resurfacing Serum
o Tata Harper Hyaluronic Gel Moisturizer
- Bedtime 11pm…maybe…hopefully
Weekly routines include washing sheets/towels and meal planning/chore planning for the week on Sundays. House cleaning happens throughout the week in chunks, but I haven’t landed on an exact routine yet.
I would love to hear how you set yourself up for success and what you’re still struggling with. In the meantime, try out my Lemon-Ginger Elixir to give yourself a kick in the ass each morning.
You’ve got this!
We’ve got this!
With love,