
Oh hi!

Welcome to More + Merrier Life. A Seattle based lifestyle blog for those who want a cozy space to feel inspired, understood and in on the joke.

Home Decor - Motherhood - Food - Connection

I’m so glad you’re here. Grab a cookie, stay awhile and don’t mind the f-bombs.

With love,


Recent Posts

Why I Quit Taking Anti-Depressants After 20 years
Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

Why I Quit Taking Anti-Depressants After 20 years

I was 15 the first time I reached out for help. I wrote a note to my parents on a piece of lined school paper, and hurriedly thrust it into their hands with the instructions not to read it until I was upstairs in my room. I knew what I was feeling didn’t seem “normal”. I was so sad, and I was so ashamed. I also knew that I couldn’t handle it on my own.

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Divorce Anniversary
Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

Divorce Anniversary

Today is my one year divorce anniversary. This time last year, I opened my email to the subject ‘Final Orders’ and ‘The Commissioner has reviewed and signed your orders for divorce.’ in the body of the email. A tidy pdf attachment rounded out the technical and unceremonious dissolution of our marriage.

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My 40 Before 40 List
Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

My 40 Before 40 List

Many years ago when I was a year and change away from turning 30, I compiled a 30 before 30 list. I found it was a great exercise in reminding myself to explore and stay curious. Now that I am within spitting distance of turning 40 (Summer ‘22), I feel the urge to draw up a list again.

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Land Your Dream Job / My Interview With Career Coach Nic Frick
Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

Land Your Dream Job / My Interview With Career Coach Nic Frick

The pandemic has disrupted the careers of so many people the world over, but women in particular have been hit hard.  Whether you’re looking to get back into the workforce after a hiatus spent caring for family, navigating the choppy waters of resume building and interviewing after a layoff or seeking a position that leaves you fulfilled instead of burnt out, read on for valuable insights from my interview with career coach Nic Frick.  

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A Love Letter to Love
Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

A Love Letter to Love

This Valentine’s Day I’m rolling single having just gone through a breakup a month ago, and readers, it was a doozy. Going through a divorce last year and then putting my heart back out there was a leap of faith, or maybe insane. It started off innocently enough- a rebound to get me through the most destabilizing time in my life- and I ended up falling in love and gaining a best friend.

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Life After Divorce - How It’s Going One Year Later

Life After Divorce - How It’s Going One Year Later

This time last year, the pile of moving boxes accumulating in the corner of the living room signaled the end of my marriage.  The pile grew over the course of a week, and one day they were gone.  Artwork that we had chosen together, towels we had dried our kids off with, kitchen supplies we had cooked holiday meals with along with the personal belongings identifying the fourth member of our family. 

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Telling my Kids About Divorce + How we Survived the First Year
Parenthood and Kids, Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Parenthood and Kids, Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

Telling my Kids About Divorce + How we Survived the First Year

One year ago today, the day after my daughter’s third birthday, I sat down with my kids and their Dad and told them that we were getting a divorce. 

We planned our conversation with them carefully, read as many articles as we could get our hands on and prepared for the most heartbreaking response. 

What they actually said wasn’t in any article I read, and I had a hard time wrapping my head around it for a long time.  It was a reminder that every single part of a divorce story is unique for everyone who goes through it. 

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Why I Got my First Tattoo at Age 38
Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

Why I Got my First Tattoo at Age 38

In the fall semester of my 8th grade year, I began writing in a diary for the first time.

The best part is…I kept it.

In my very first entry, littered amongst an update on the OJ Simpson trial, a twitter patted description of my crush Evan Lindsey (“He’s really cute and has gorgeous eyes.”) and the business plan for a line of clothing called “Forever Young” was the pre-teen yearning for body modification.

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