
Oh hi!

Welcome to More + Merrier Life. A Seattle based lifestyle blog for those who want a cozy space to feel inspired, understood and in on the joke.

Home Decor - Motherhood - Food - Connection

I’m so glad you’re here. Grab a cookie, stay awhile and don’t mind the f-bombs.

With love,


Recent Posts

Life After Divorce - How It’s Going One Year Later

Life After Divorce - How It’s Going One Year Later

This time last year, the pile of moving boxes accumulating in the corner of the living room signaled the end of my marriage.  The pile grew over the course of a week, and one day they were gone.  Artwork that we had chosen together, towels we had dried our kids off with, kitchen supplies we had cooked holiday meals with along with the personal belongings identifying the fourth member of our family. 

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