
Oh hi!

Welcome to More + Merrier Life. A Seattle based lifestyle blog for those who want a cozy space to feel inspired, understood and in on the joke.

Home Decor - Motherhood - Food - Connection

I’m so glad you’re here. Grab a cookie, stay awhile and don’t mind the f-bombs.

With love,


Recent Posts

How to Style a Family Bookshelf
Parenthood and Kids, Decor stephanie fonda Parenthood and Kids, Decor stephanie fonda

How to Style a Family Bookshelf

I love a well styled bookshelf.

I have spent much of my educational and work experience merchandising horizonal or vertical planes for photo shoots, events and interior spaces. Finding the right balance of color, size and texture is no easy feat and there’s such a feeling of accomplishment when everything finally falls into place.

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10 Simple Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables / Plus FREE Printable Chart
Parenthood and Kids, Food and Drinks stephanie fonda Parenthood and Kids, Food and Drinks stephanie fonda

10 Simple Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables / Plus FREE Printable Chart

When I was pregnant with my first, like so many parents I considered what my priorities were in raising a healthy happy kiddo.  One of my top priorities was to encourage a love of eating as well as an adventurous palette.  I grew up having family dinner every night, and I knew I wanted that to be a part of my “recipe” too.  One book that I turned to from pregnancy through the early years was French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon.  That book gave me the confidence to introduce atypical kid foods like beets, smoked mussels and edamame to my son from very early on.

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Life After Divorce - How It’s Going One Year Later

Life After Divorce - How It’s Going One Year Later

This time last year, the pile of moving boxes accumulating in the corner of the living room signaled the end of my marriage.  The pile grew over the course of a week, and one day they were gone.  Artwork that we had chosen together, towels we had dried our kids off with, kitchen supplies we had cooked holiday meals with along with the personal belongings identifying the fourth member of our family. 

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Pre-Holiday Purge
Parenthood and Kids, Holiday stephanie fonda Parenthood and Kids, Holiday stephanie fonda

Pre-Holiday Purge

If you have a Christmas tree with presents exploding out from underneath, you may be wondering where all these generous gifts will find a home once unwrapped. I have been eyeing the ever growing pile under my own tree this past month, which is 99% for my two children, and I now feel a strong push towards carrying out a pre-holiday purge.

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Telling my Kids About Divorce + How we Survived the First Year
Parenthood and Kids, Life and Relationships stephanie fonda Parenthood and Kids, Life and Relationships stephanie fonda

Telling my Kids About Divorce + How we Survived the First Year

One year ago today, the day after my daughter’s third birthday, I sat down with my kids and their Dad and told them that we were getting a divorce. 

We planned our conversation with them carefully, read as many articles as we could get our hands on and prepared for the most heartbreaking response. 

What they actually said wasn’t in any article I read, and I had a hard time wrapping my head around it for a long time.  It was a reminder that every single part of a divorce story is unique for everyone who goes through it. 

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How I Quit Drinking + Became a Better Mom

How I Quit Drinking + Became a Better Mom

I love drinking.

From the moment I had my first drink and subsequently drunk dialed my high school freshman year boyfriend (hey Jason!), I was hooked on that confident uninhibited version of me. The positive reinforcement continued throughout high school and college, with a couple of pit stops along the way to check in with myself and make sure this fun pastime wasn’t becoming an addiction. I was aware that my pattern of behavior could be categorized as binge drinking, but I figured it wasn’t a problem because I could stop when I wanted to, and hey, didn’t all college students do this?

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