
Oh hi!

Welcome to More + Merrier Life. A Seattle based lifestyle blog for those who want a cozy space to feel inspired, understood and in on the joke.

Home Decor - Motherhood - Food - Connection

I’m so glad you’re here. Grab a cookie, stay awhile and don’t mind the f-bombs.

With love,


Recent Posts

How I Quit Drinking + Became a Better Mom

How I Quit Drinking + Became a Better Mom

I love drinking.

From the moment I had my first drink and subsequently drunk dialed my high school freshman year boyfriend (hey Jason!), I was hooked on that confident uninhibited version of me. The positive reinforcement continued throughout high school and college, with a couple of pit stops along the way to check in with myself and make sure this fun pastime wasn’t becoming an addiction. I was aware that my pattern of behavior could be categorized as binge drinking, but I figured it wasn’t a problem because I could stop when I wanted to, and hey, didn’t all college students do this?

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