
Oh hi!

Welcome to More + Merrier Life. A Seattle based lifestyle blog for those who want a cozy space to feel inspired, understood and in on the joke.

Home Decor - Motherhood - Food - Connection

I’m so glad you’re here. Grab a cookie, stay awhile and don’t mind the f-bombs.

With love,


Recent Posts

Pre-Holiday Purge
Parenthood and Kids, Holiday stephanie fonda Parenthood and Kids, Holiday stephanie fonda

Pre-Holiday Purge

If you have a Christmas tree with presents exploding out from underneath, you may be wondering where all these generous gifts will find a home once unwrapped. I have been eyeing the ever growing pile under my own tree this past month, which is 99% for my two children, and I now feel a strong push towards carrying out a pre-holiday purge.

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Toffee Hazelnut Blondies + My First Giveaway!
stephanie fonda stephanie fonda

Toffee Hazelnut Blondies + My First Giveaway!

Allow me to introduce the ‘Toffee Hazelnut Blondie’. One part rich buttery blondie studded with chocolate chunks and toffee bits, one part velvety gooey icing goodness, plus, chopped hazelnuts sprinkled on top for texture. This is the dessert bar you can enjoy at home during the holidays with your pod or spread the love and gift it to your favorite people.

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That’s a Wrap! Gift Wrap Inspiration for the holidays
stephanie fonda stephanie fonda

That’s a Wrap! Gift Wrap Inspiration for the holidays

If you consider wrapping gifts the biggest waste of time during the holidays, well, you’re probably right. But…if you want to show your family and friends that it’s what’s on the inside AND the outside that counts, then continue reading for a little holiday wrapping inspiration that’ll add an extra layer of guilt on the recipient if they rip the paper too much.

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Home Alone for Christmas- why it’s not the worst thing
Holiday stephanie fonda Holiday stephanie fonda

Home Alone for Christmas- why it’s not the worst thing

If you’ve got some tension with your family, you may already be on board with this post and ready for the validation herein, but if you’re like me and talk to your Mama daily, have a text chain with your siblings filled with equal parts shit talk and humorous anecdotes and facetime with your kids on the regular with their Grandparents, then you’re probably wondering “what’s in this for me?”

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