Recent Posts
Ode to the Cloth Napkin
You may be surprised to learn just how important a napkin really is. It is not just a square of cloth, it's a tool for bringing people together and showing them how important they to you. See? I knew you’d be surprised!
Colorful Kids’ Bedrooms / Where to Start
This is an issue I see pop up frequently - I call it ‘design paralysis'. It’s hard to pick a place to start when you’re already overwhelmed by all the decisions that will come after.
The Best Key Lime Martini / Dry or Boozy
I have discovered and enjoyed many a cocktail over the years, but the key lime martini remains a favorite. I was introduced to this sweet-sour beverage by a college boyfriend, and although he had many lovely qualities, this martini was his legacy.
Venice Beach Living Room / High - Low
I love a good high-low design breakdown, so when I came across this gorgeous light filled Venice Beach living room on I had to have a go at it.
MLK Jr. Day / Resources, Activities + Recipes
If you’re stuck on ways to honor MLK Jr. and want to learn more about his legacy, read on for kid friendly activities + education, organizations that support civil rights, media to consume and recipes to enjoy.
A New Approach to Winter Blues // Strategies + Products I’m Trying Now
I am a card carrying member of the winter blues club; otherwise known as Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD). How’s that for an uplifting opening sentence? After years of battling it, I’ve come up with some strategies that work for me, as well as a new approach to it this year.
Looking for a Change? 10 Tips for Planning a Home Decorating Project
Planning and executing a space that raises your vibration is no simple task, so I thought I would offer some advice to those embarking on their own projects, however large or small.
Is Hiring a Life Coach Right For You? My Interview With Jenna Starkey
If you had asked me a couple of years ago if I thought life coaches were a valid profession, I would have had some snarky comments lined up. The funny thing about dragging things you know nothing about, is they are often the exact thing you need in your life.
This is Still Happening
I had a post planned for today around changing up your interior spaces in 2021. After watching the events of this week unfold I won’t be posting that today, but I think that post is surprisingly relevant...with a few tweaks.
10 Simple Ways to Get Your Kids to Eat Their Vegetables / Plus FREE Printable Chart
When I was pregnant with my first, like so many parents I considered what my priorities were in raising a healthy happy kiddo. One of my top priorities was to encourage a love of eating as well as an adventurous palette. I grew up having family dinner every night, and I knew I wanted that to be a part of my “recipe” too. One book that I turned to from pregnancy through the early years was French Kids Eat Everything by Karen Le Billon. That book gave me the confidence to introduce atypical kid foods like beets, smoked mussels and edamame to my son from very early on.
Life After Divorce - How It’s Going One Year Later
This time last year, the pile of moving boxes accumulating in the corner of the living room signaled the end of my marriage. The pile grew over the course of a week, and one day they were gone. Artwork that we had chosen together, towels we had dried our kids off with, kitchen supplies we had cooked holiday meals with along with the personal belongings identifying the fourth member of our family.
See You in the New Year!
I will be taking the week off to spend time with my kiddos over their winter break, do some behind the scenes work on the blog and refocus my commitment on a few things I’ve let slide in the self-care department.
I am so excited to bring you fresh content in January with topics that I hope will inspire you.
Pre-Holiday Purge
If you have a Christmas tree with presents exploding out from underneath, you may be wondering where all these generous gifts will find a home once unwrapped. I have been eyeing the ever growing pile under my own tree this past month, which is 99% for my two children, and I now feel a strong push towards carrying out a pre-holiday purge.
Holiday Vegan Eggnog
The holidays are a time to zhuzh up everything coming out of the kitchen, and that includes the beverages. This year I wanted to come up with a simple yet festive and satisfying drink for you all to enjoy.
A Nature Inspired Christmas Table // 2 Ways
I have accepted being home alone for the holidays this year, but I’m not letting the micro gathering of my two kids and their Dad deter me from setting a gorgeous Christmas table!
Telling my Kids About Divorce + How we Survived the First Year
One year ago today, the day after my daughter’s third birthday, I sat down with my kids and their Dad and told them that we were getting a divorce.
We planned our conversation with them carefully, read as many articles as we could get our hands on and prepared for the most heartbreaking response.
What they actually said wasn’t in any article I read, and I had a hard time wrapping my head around it for a long time. It was a reminder that every single part of a divorce story is unique for everyone who goes through it.
Toffee Hazelnut Blondies + My First Giveaway!
Allow me to introduce the ‘Toffee Hazelnut Blondie’. One part rich buttery blondie studded with chocolate chunks and toffee bits, one part velvety gooey icing goodness, plus, chopped hazelnuts sprinkled on top for texture. This is the dessert bar you can enjoy at home during the holidays with your pod or spread the love and gift it to your favorite people.
That’s a Wrap! Gift Wrap Inspiration for the holidays
If you consider wrapping gifts the biggest waste of time during the holidays, well, you’re probably right. But…if you want to show your family and friends that it’s what’s on the inside AND the outside that counts, then continue reading for a little holiday wrapping inspiration that’ll add an extra layer of guilt on the recipient if they rip the paper too much.
Home Alone for Christmas- why it’s not the worst thing
If you’ve got some tension with your family, you may already be on board with this post and ready for the validation herein, but if you’re like me and talk to your Mama daily, have a text chain with your siblings filled with equal parts shit talk and humorous anecdotes and facetime with your kids on the regular with their Grandparents, then you’re probably wondering “what’s in this for me?”
Why I Got my First Tattoo at Age 38
In the fall semester of my 8th grade year, I began writing in a diary for the first time.
The best part is…I kept it.
In my very first entry, littered amongst an update on the OJ Simpson trial, a twitter patted description of my crush Evan Lindsey (“He’s really cute and has gorgeous eyes.”) and the business plan for a line of clothing called “Forever Young” was the pre-teen yearning for body modification.